By Jamila Lyscott
Holla! Welcome back to my blog. Today, I’d like to summarize a video of ted talks. In this opportunity, I’d like to summarize a video by Jamila Lyscott, an articulate person. In this video, she talks about ways to learn English for 04.29 minutes. In her speech, she speaks quickly and fluently. I would say that she is like a rapper. So, it is a bit difficult for me to catch all of her content by listen one time. So, I need more than one time to comprehend it. Hope you will understand and can learn from this summary.
In the opening of her speech, she said, “today, a baffled lady observed the shell where my soul dwells and announced that I'm "articulate" which means that when it comes to enunciation and diction don't even think of it. She can speaks in three languages and adjust them based on the condition. One of her condition was when her professor asks a question and her answer was tainted with a connotation of urbanized suggestion. There’s no misdirected intention, pay attention cause she is “articulate”. Then, when her father asked, “Wha’ kinda ting is dis?” her “articulate” answer never goes amiss. She says, “father, this is the impending problem at hand”.
The other condition when she is on the block, she switches it up just because she can. She also said that she has decided to treat all three of her languages as equals because she is “articulate”. Over all of her condition and she is still “articulate”, one question she asks to audience, who controls articulation? She gives amazing answer, “because the English language is a multifaceted oration, subject to indefinite transformation.”
The way Jamila delivers the speech is interesting because her interaction with the audience that make them think as she does. Her statetement make the audience laugh when she says “you may think that it is ignorant to speak broken English but I’m here to tell you that even “articulate” Americans sound foolish to the British. Sometimes, her professor comes on the block and being inarticulate. Perhaps, we think that say “hello” or being inarticulate is too hood or not cool. However, our language has rules. She gives an example when her mommy mocks her and says “ya’ll-be-madd-going-to-the-store”. She says that the sentences is not following the law because the word “madd” is never go before a present participle. That’simply the principle of this English.
One possibility if she had the vocal capacity she would sing that from every mountaintop, from every suburbia and every hood because the only God of language is the one recorded in the Genesis of this world and saying it is good. We do not judge her by her language and assume because she may not always come with excellence of speech that she is too ignorant to teach because she speaks three tongues. One for each : home, school and friends.
An articulate woman as a tri-lingual orator. Sometimes she consistent with her language but switches it up avoid bore situation. Sometimes she fights back two tongues while use the other one in the classroom and when she mistakenly mix them up. She had to borrow their language because hers was stolen and they can not expect her to speak their history wholly because hers is broken. These words are spoken by someone who is simply fed up with the Eurocentric ideals and she speaks a composite version of their language is because hers was raped away along with her history.
Let there be no confusion. Let there be no hesitation because this is not a promotion of ignorance but this is a linguistic celebration. The attractive closing for her and she ends the speech.
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