Become like “paddy” as proverb says “semakin berisi semakin merunduk.” The proverb is familiar with Indonesian. Our parents or grandparents often remind us to be like paddy when we grow, when we have knowledge more than others, they remind us to still be a low profile person.
Honestly, this writing was inspired by my father when we had dinner in a night. It began when he asked me about one of my friends who we met in the hospital. He asked me how she has been there and how close we are? Naturally, I’m a person who has two sides of my point of view. I try to see the strengthens and weaknesses of someone. If someone ask me about someone who I know closer, I will tell them two sides of the person based on my point of view and if someone who I do not know closer, I will tell them doubtfully even I choose to do not explain anything. So, at the night, I told my father two sides of her so that he has his own point of view based on mine.
Back to the paddy.
In the night, he told me about point of view about how citizens evaluate the students in university. Mostly, students in university feel and act as if they know everything and they have power to be something that they want. Their critical thinking of government, their attitude to the older or citizens, their participation in the real social and other activities which put on students identity are very affect their future after graduation. For instance, a student trivialize a book by local author. It indicates an arrogancy of the student of someone. If we compare the student with the local author, of course the student is still nothing because if the student is something, she/he will has a book as the local author. Although she/he is a local author, at least she/he has produced a book and it certified. In other examples, students who have a new innovation, sometimes they will push citizens to apply the innovation suddenly without any approaches. The students ought to carry the people for a new innovation with any approaches to make them feel more comfortable with us and realize us as a part of them.
In life, sometimes we need to adjust ourselves like “chameleon.” When we are, we adjust our color with the environment. As a proverb says, “dimana bumi berpijak, disitu langit dijunjung.” Sometimes we are as the actress/actor, sometimes we are as the audience, sometimes we are as the producer or writer and others. We have to ready for every role which will give to us. As long as we realize that we have nothing in this world. Everything which belong to us this time is Allah’s belonging. The owner of the owner also ours. So, possess a humble and modest soul to make our life is meaningful.
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